May 23, 2008

  • An Indy musical preview

    Not that by now there are too many secrets left to reveal in the new Indiana Jones film, but here are a few thoughts about the new John Williams score in the film.  (More on the CD itself later in the month.)  If you haven't seen the film SPOILERS may be come back later if you want to be surprised in the film itself.

    First, the opening title sequence is a little underwhelming, the least interesting of the batch, and the music barely gets started as the film opens before the score is dialed out an an Elvis Presley song blares from a radio.  This is a wise choice since it helps set the period some, but still rather odd.  The film overall feels less spotted with music this time, that wall-to-wall sound of the Harry Potter scores, and previous Indy scores, is gone.  This is not necessarily a bad thing from the film's point of view, but for fans of the composer it is a bit frustrating to say the least.

    What is there musically is plenty of the Raider's theme, Marion's theme, and a theme for the Irinia character played by Cate Blanchett.  Several themes from the previous film recur as well serving as historic memories to past adventures or characters...oddly feels more like a final homage to the character and his history.  To say more about the scenes that feel like deja vu from the earlier films would be revealing too much plot, but they work in this film.  There is a a motorcycle sequence with music that is quite similar to that from The Last Crusade.

    What music is in the film is dialed down quite a bit, and most of the time you do not even realize it has begun, which for many is exactly what good film music does.  And it was refreshing to sit through an end credit role with music that reflected on the actual film, even though they were concert-type versions pieced together. 

    It will be interesting to hear the score on its own and the JW fan site has already begun trying to get the new CD in film order, or best listening experience.  It's worth checking out to listen to the CD in both ways.  The site's re-ordering of the A.I. score makes that a very emotionally satisfying listening experience.